The ALDI Detox Commitment Responsible and environmentally sound production processes 2018 key figures* Chemical management M-RSL / RSL Level of incorporation of the M-RSL/RSL and the input chemicals in supplier contracts 100 % Level of incorporation of the elimination strategy applicable since 1 March 2018 in supplier contracts 100 % Findings in waste water and sludge1 Share of APEO-free wet-processing facilities 65 % Share of PFC-free wet-processing facilities 75 % Share of azo dye-free wet-processing facilities 79 % Share of organotin-free wet-processing facilities Share of chlorophenol-free wet-processing facilities Share of SCCP-free wet-processing facilities Share of chlorobenzene-free wet-processing facilities Share of phthalate-free wet-processing facilities Share of flame retardant-free wet-processing facilities Share of chlorinated solvent-free wet-processing facilities 97 % 94 % 86 % 90 % 63 % 22 % 71 % Share of heavy metal-free wet-processing 0.5 % Supply Chain Management Chemical Management Audits (CMAs) Number of Chemical Management Audits (ZDHC 2.0) conducted 48 Number of countries in which a CMA was conducted (incl. STeP by OEKO-TEX®, 7 bluesign®, LWG) Training and workshops Training opportunities Number of participants in supplier webinars offered by ALDI3 Number of suppliers who participated in e-learning modules on chemical management Ø Average improvement level of supplier results following completion of e-learning modules on chemical management4 155 76 39 % Stakeholder-Dialog Knowledge transfer Number of stakeholders/experts reached with speeches held at specialised conferences with the > 300 aim to promote knowledge transfer and exchange Systemic change Use of sustainable fibres Share of sustainable cotton5 compared to the overall amount of cotton used Share of organic cotton5 compared to the overall amount of cotton used Reduction (as a %) of water used in fibre production for garment and household textiles since the beginning of participation in the European Clothing Action Plan (ECAP)6 34 % 25 % -18 % Data management Waste water and sludge analyses Share of wet-processing facilities for which a valid waste water and sludge analysis report is available Number of waste water and analysis reports provided since the publication of the ALDI Detox Commitment (March 2015) 95 % 3296 Please note that this English version serves merely as a translation of the original German version. In the event of inconsistent or ambiguous content, the German original version shall prevail. *Data refer to the period from 1 January 2018 until 31 December 2018, unless otherwise indicated. 1At the time of analysis. 2 The elimination of heavy metals continues to be a general challenge since, in many cases, these substances can already be detected in the fresh water used. 3Where ALDI is stated, this refers to the ALDI North Group and the ALDI SOUTH Group. These two groups are separate legal groups of companies carrying out their retail business under the ALDI brand. 4Comparison of the test results prior to and following completion of the e-learning modules; testing was conducted in 2017 and 2018. 5For further information on the use of sustainable cotton, please refer to our Cotton Purchasing Policy. 6Please visit the following website for further information:
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